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We had a fantastic 20th Golf Outing on June 15. There were 124 golfers in attendance, with an additional 30 joining for dinner. Bliss Creek Golf Course provided excellent customer service in every area. Hole 16 hosted the “Beat the Pierce” contest, with over 100 participants and several winners.

A new addition to this year's event was a photo booth, and the pictures will be uploaded to the Events gallery shortly, along with all the others taken.
Our Raffle prizes had many interested parties, the big winner was Lori S winning the QI 10 TaylorMade Driver that she excitedly gave to her son. Frank N. won the Poker 50/50 game and generously gave back the cash pot they won!!!

We want to extend a huge thanks to all our sponsors who made the day eventful with prizes, food, and drinks. See our site for their names and websites to use their services.

We also want to express our gratitude to all the committee members and volunteers from check-in to clean-up. The event would not have been possible without teamwork! Your commitment and dedication are the reasons we are so successful and able to reach our fundraising goals.

Please take a look at the pictures from the days events in our Photo Gallery. 

Our next event is "Music for Kathy", which will be held on Saturday, September 21 in Aurora. Save the date.